GIANT Wellington
PNP Cross Country Spring Series
Race 1: Wainuiomata, Sun 17 Sept
& Race Series Entry (5 Races)
2023 Results:
Update 13/8/23
Registration are opening this week for all races, and a SERIES registration available from the R1: Wainuiomata page.
Event Manuals will be made available for alll Races. Please use the Event Manual button on each Race page to see this.
Updated Health & Safety information is available from the MTB Page.
Race Series: Wainui, Mirimar, Rangituhi, Belmont, Makara
Use this button to enter the Series of 4 races and get a discount (TBA).
Sundays: 17 Sept, 15 Oct,
29 Oct, 12 Nov, 19 Nov
8:30am -1:00pm
Waiu Trail Park - Wainuiomata; Mt Crawford - Mirimar; Rangituhi - Porirua;
Belmont - Stratton St; Makara Peak - Karori
Draft Programme summary
We are planning to return to our standard format of all grades racing at the same time. Our draft timetable is below.
8:30 - 9:20 am Check-In & Race Plate collection: (Sorry: Faultline Coffee cannot make this one...)
9:40 am Mandatory Race Briefing
10:00 am Race starts in waves
11:30 am Kids race (2-10 yo)
12:00 pm Last riders finishing
12:15 pm Prizegiving
1:00 pm Pack-up and course clearance of signage & tape.
For more course details, download the Course Description by the Pre-Ride information.